November 2024 Capital Finance Team Updates

Lutheran Church of Hope – Building Hope for the Future

Capital Finance Team Notes

November 19, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.

Agenda items:

  1. Opening Prayer

2. Review status of available funds.
* Will need to ensure that funds are out of CD’s to cover $510,00.00 in payments if the motions
are approved by the congregation on Dec. 15th.

3. Status Report: Congregational Meetings

Congregation forums on Sundays, 11/17 and 11/24, as well as Wednesday, 11/20. Sunday meetings at
10:30 a.m., Wednesday time 6:00 pm
* The first meeting was well-attended. Questions were thoughtful and clear, and those who
attended were very engaged.

Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, 12/15 immediately after worship to consider
resolutions pertaining to what will be presented at the forums:
A. Moving forward with design/bid documents (pricing will be included)
B. Signing the Contract on the Organ (pricing will be included)
C. Presentation of a Tentative Time Schedule Moving Forward

4. Pledge Status:
A. New pledges
* No new pledges at this point. We have 7-8 new families/units joining on November 24th.
Their classes will be held in January and we will be visiting with them at that point about the
possibility of pledging for the Building Hope project.

5. Status of Giving
* Giving is on track for the pledges that have been made.

6. New Business
A. Informal Prayer Group for the Building Project
* An opportunity will be offered to the congregation to be a prayer participant for the building
project. Marie will work with Natalie to put a blurb in the eAnchor on 11-21. An informal
gathering of interested people will meet before church (8:15) on December 8th to share their
joys and concerns regarding the project, to consider where God is working in our process,
and to discuss keeping the project in their daily prayers.
* Hopefully, a majority of the Prayer Ministry will be able to participate as well.
B. Post Congregational meeting New Advertising (banner), and opportunities for designated
* Prior to the Christmas Program dates.
* We need to explore these opportunities and get processes in place so people can take
advantage and consider their giving.

7. Next Meeting: December 17th, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. This meeting will happen on a TBD basis.

8. Closing Prayer

Lutheran Church of Hope