Worship Space Proposal

Since the dedication of Renewing Hope addition in April of 2012, LCHope’s worship life has continued to grow and thrive pushing the Nave’s space usage to its safety limits. While average worship attendance has shown stable incremental growth; worship ministries including music, sacristans, arts, and audio/visual have grown beyond their current space to the point where it is beginning to limit growth and goal setting for our worship life. 

The Worship Space Task Force was assembled by the Board of Trustees in the Fall of 2018 to research, study, and review our current worship space (the Nave) and its function around the following areas: 

  1. Sacramental centers; 

  2. Music ministry; 

  3. Congregation seating; and 

  4. Audio/visual/lighting assessment.

The Task Force was charged to report back to the Trustees and congregation on potential layout revisions to better accommodate the growing worship ministries of LCHope. 

Read the full Worship Space Task Force Report to the Board of Trustees here.

Lutheran Church of Hope