February 2025 Capital Finance Team Updates

Lutheran Church of Hope – Building Hope for the Future
Capital Finance Team Notes
February 18, 2025 – 9:00 a.m.

In attendance: Vic Ramey, Mac McWilliams, Sandy McWilliams, Bob Kuehner, John Mosley, Marie Glover Agenda items:
1. Opening Prayer
2. Review status of available funds.
* Status info still outstanding at this point. Jamie is working on getting Vic & Bill read access to Vectra
3. Status Reports:
* Vic is working to get contracts in line with spreadsheet info received from the building team for both
the architects and the organ contracts.
4. Review status of excess Building Fund transfer to CD’s and the money market account.
* Onboarding for Parable is almost complete and transfers will be back on track.
* US Bank CDs total worth $672,300.00
* Vectra CDs total worth 1.05 million
5. Pledge Status:
a. New Partners in Mission ~ contact plan?
* After the presentation, Sandy &Mac make a soft contact via email to introduce themselves/invite
to coffee if they want. But not to tap folks at the same time as the Annual Mission Appeal.
* Keep an eye on the timing…maybe combine in-person contacts with the fall class; maybe before,
if circumstances are favorable for that.
6. Status of Giving
* Giving is steady for those who have pledged, and for those who are giving a regular monthly gifts.
* Ten additional pledges have been paid in full since November, 2024.
7. Old Business:
a. Walshware Status – Conference call with Injoy Stewardship 2/13.
* Bill had a zoom meeting last Thursday with Joseph Sangi, President and CEO of Injoy, Stewardship
Solutions. This was requested via Rudi Pakendorf, who handled our building campaign from Walsh
& Associates as Walsh & Associates had been sold to Injoy. Joe Sangi shared that Walsh &
Associates was still functioning under Walsh's name and Rudi still worked for Walsh. As the
fundraising efforts differed for each company, it was decided to keep each company separate. Joe
is aware that we will need Walsh Ware beyond the original 3 years and this was agreeable.
* Marie confirmed with Walsh that the annual renewal fee remains $1,800.00. We need to mail them
a physical check by the end of the 2nd week of June, 2025 to continue for the next year.
8. New Business:
a. Prayer Gathering and the monthly eAnchor Announcements.
* Eleven people attended the February gathering. There were petitions from 4 leaders, and
additional prayer requests were volunteered by those present.
* Emails will go out again to leadership on Feb. 24th. This will include the request for specific
petitions and several examples – nothing is too mundane for prayer for.
* An eAnchor invitation will go out on Saturday, March 8th to the congregation.
b. Next Prayer Gathering on March 9th, 8:15 a.m.
c. Announcement schedule:
* eAnchor the 1st Thursday of each month; the Campaign Prayer will be included in the liturgy the
2nd Sunday of each month; the Prayer Gathering will be held the 2nd Sunday of each month in the
Chapel of the Crosses.
9. Next Meeting: March 18 , 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
10. Closing Prayer

Lutheran Church of Hope