March 2025 Capital Finance Team Updates
Lutheran Church of Hope – Building Hope for the Future
Capital Finance Team Notes
March 18, 2025
In Attendance: Vic Ramey, Bill Thieme, Mac McWilliams, Sandy McWilliams, Marie Glover, Pastor Scott McAnally
1. Opening Prayer
2. Review Reconciliations:
a. Vic will review the current CD’s for maturation dates. Depending on the dates, decisions will need to
be made regarding whether & when to renew or cash out one or more of the CD’s. b. There is still an
issue with Bill & Vic not receiving any monthly bank statements regarding campaign funds. Both will
be working on rectifying the problem.
3. Pledge Status:
a. Progress on contacting new Partners in Mission – Sandy & Mac
* Sandy is composing a letter to go out to the Fall and Spring classes after the culmination Sunday
for the Annual Mission Appeal.
* It will include a ‘history’ of initial pledging for the campaign, and invitation to conversation
regarding how New Partners can also get involved.
4. Old Business:
a. Approval of final draft for Giving Statements Letter – Marie
* changes suggested and made by team members for the letter; these will be made prior to
printing and mailing on Easter Monday, 4/21/25.
b. Logistics/timeline for signatures, printing, & mailing – Marie
* PScott will sign letters for completed pledges this week, and ongoing prior to mailing.
5. New Business:
a. Date to represent at New Partner class?
* April 6th (check with Prandy)
* Mac & Sandy will represent for Capital Campaign info b. Building Team progress in design
development phase
* working with architects on adjusting plans (there is a new nave conceptual drawing
* working on identifying security, HVAC, and technology needs
* organ work is continuing; financials were discussed and additional approval will be needed from
the congregation
6. Monthly Prayer Gathering: Next – April 6th at 8:15 a.m., Chapel of the Crosses
7. Next Meeting: April 15th at 9:00 a.m
8. Closing Prayer